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RevitMart’s VBM (Virtual BIM Manager) is a powerful new tool that allows you to quickly resolve issues with your models. The tool appears in its own tab in Revit’s ribbon. Revit models can become very valuable, and unfortunately, very messy. VBM can make an hours-long cleanup take only a few minutes, and help you continue to keep your model looking and running great.

The Model Cleanup tool features:

  • ‘One Touch Model Cleanup’ in under 5 minutes
  • Automatically remove imported CAD junk from the model
  • Automatically remove unwanted linked models and CAD files
  • Automatically remove unwanted Legends & Schedules
  • Automatically delete all Detail Groups & Model Groups
  • Automatically delete all Sheets
  • Automatically delete all Views
  • Powerful tool to resolve unknown errors
  • Includes Free Setup & Upgrade
  • Includes Free Training & Support

The model cleanup tool allows you to edit and delete multiple views, sheets, legends, schedules, model groups, links, and CAD imports. The tool also allows you to view these elements in one place, which makes it quicker to use than the purge tool. Elements can be renamed here as well. The Master Cleanup tool is like a reset button for your project. It allows you to delete all of the aforementioned elements while keeping your model intact.

The Casing Manager allows you to:

  • View text notes, room names, sheet names & numbers, view names, and dimensions in a single list
  • Convert items to all lowercase, uppercase, sentence case, or title case
  • Ignore a single letter “x” (Used when denoting dimensions)

The casing manager allows you to selectively change the case of any editable-text element and to continue that change throughout your project. Case can be changed to all upper, all lower, title case, where every first letter is capitalized, and sentence case, where only the first letter is capitalized.  You can also ignore the letter “x” when it is used for denoting size.  It also allows you to view all the items in one place, which makes error checking much easier.


RevitMart Virtual BIM Manager
RevitMart Virtual BIM Manager
RevitMart Virtual BIM Manager
RevitMart Virtual BIM Manager
RevitMart Virtual BIM Manager
RevitMart Virtual BIM Manager

RevitMart Virtual BIM Manager

RevitMart Virtual BIM Manager